About Me

"Of all teachers, it was my own breath which taught me how to step into my power and live my life fully"
I share my years of experience and expertise in Breathwork and Coaching along with the insights and wisdom gained from my own personal journey.
How I came to Breathwork
Being an adventurer at heart, I left Ireland in 2010 and for seven years I travelled throughout South East Asia and Australia, lived and worked in Vietnam, learned to ride a motorbike and found the wonderful modality of Breathwork in Bali. The experience, though sometimes challenging, brought me a sense of aliveness and confidence beyond anything I would have thought possible.
Now back in Ireland, my passion is to share breathwork with the rest of the world.
I have run Breathwork sessions and workshops throughout the world including in Bali, in Australia - in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, and throughout Ireland.
I am a certified Alchemy of Breath Practitioner, Clarity Breathwork Practitioner and have trained in Bio-Dynamic Breathwork.
But before all of this there was also...
I have been involved with teaching, training and coaching individuals and groups all my working life. You name it – I probably have done it -from teaching children, teaching ESL, training adults business skills, communication skills, coaching personal effectiveness skills, career development skills, facilitation skills …and so on…
I believe in teaching people skills. Skills empower people and the skills that help you to manage yourself are the ones that have the most impact. All it takes sometimes is to learn the one right skill to make the difference. You know this saying - it says it all:
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”
You can view my full experience, qualification and life profile here on LinkedIn.
Ann Moloney
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