
So How Does Breathwork Work?

Most people come out of a breathwork session at a loss for word on how to describe it. Trying to explain this profound and personal experience is very difficult. This makes sense when you realise that with Breathwork you move beyond the limits of the logical, rational mind into the expanded part of you that…

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So What is Breathwork Anyway?

This is probably the most common question I am asked since most people I meet have never heard of breathwork. But they are curious and open to anything that will allow them to be more present to themselves and more alive and connected.   THE POWER OF OUR BREATH We have all been born with…

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Why Stress is Never About What it is About

What if I told you that every time you get stressed, overwhelmed or upset by something in your life, it is actually not related to whatever is going on in the moment. Let’s take the example that you are feeling overloaded at work. It seems very clear that if you didn’t have so much work…

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